This mini-report analyses the state-wise installed renewable energy (RE) capacity data from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) in relation to state-specific RE targets. This data is published only for the latest month, but for the purpose of this research, internet archive machines were used to dig out and piece together month-by-month RE installation data to track progress. It analyses the latest data to March 2022, in the context of the 175 GW RE target set for December 2022. The data is also available to download separately.
The purpose of this report is to provide a database with hard-to-find data on state-wise RE progress, pulled from internet archive machines. Alongside this database, the report provides top-line messages that can be inferred from the data. This data could be used to track progress in different states and/or act as a starting point for other relevant research. This analysis does not provide a policy analysis of various barriers to RE uptake in Indian states or suggest solutions to those barriers.