The Philippines
The Philippines can harness its wind and solar potential to reduce its reliance on coal
Anchor point: Overview
The Philippines generated 22% of its electricity from clean sources, below the global average of 39%.
In 2023, the Philippines relied on fossil fuels for 78% of its electricity. Its per capita power sector emissions were below the global average.
Low-carbon sources provide more than a fifth of the Philippines’ electricity, with the majority from hydropower and geothermal. Solar and wind shares make up just 2.5%, which is below the global average (13%) and the average among ASEAN countries (4.4%).
The Philippines saw its power sector emissions nearly double in the last ten years as rising demand was met with a more than doubling of coal power generation.
The Philippines aims for 35% renewable electricity by 2030, while the IEA’s Net Zero Emissions scenario sets out a global target of 60% renewable electricity by 2030.
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