Brazil | Ember


Wind and solar will help Brazil manage the impact of climate variability on hydro and rising demand

Last Updated: 9 Oct 2024

Anchor point: Overview


Share of clean electricity
Share of solar and wind
Share of electricity from fossil fuels

Brazil generated 91% of its electricity from clean sources, above the global average of 39%.

Brazil generated 91% of its electricity from clean sources in 2023, with hydro dominating the mix at 60%. Its share of wind and solar (21%) is above the global average (13%) and its neighbour Argentina (12%), but below Chile (32%).

Brazil relied on fossil fuels for just 9% of its electricity in 2023. Its per capita emissions were well below the global average. In 2023, it had the second lowest carbon intensity of electricity generation in the G20.

Brazil’s power sector emissions have fluctuated significantly over the last two decades as weather conditions swung between rainfall and drought, affecting hydro output. A combination of rainy weather and strong growth in wind and solar delivered record-low fossil power in February of 2023.

Brazil has already surpassed its target of reaching 84% renewable electricity by 2030. The IEA’s Net Zero Emissions scenario sets out a global target of 60% renewable electricity by 2030.

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