Countries and Regions | Ember

Countries and Regions

Track regional and national progress in transforming the energy system

Anchor point: Countries


Track national progress in transforming the energy system

Argentina’s increasing wind and solar capacity is slowly helping it decrease its reliance on fossil fuels.

Australia’s wind and solar increase has helped to drive down power sector emissions, but coal remains a major polluter

Bangladesh has mostly met growing demand for electricity with fossil gas, but solar can help reduce reliance on costly imports

Wind and solar will help Brazil manage the impact of climate variability on hydro and rising demand

Hydro leads Canada’s clean energy, with greater ambition for wind and solar needed to displace remaining fossil fuels

China led in wind and solar generation globally in 2023, while also ranking as the world’s largest power sector emitter

Egypt’s vast untapped solar potential can help overcome its fossil gas dependency and cut its rising power sector emissions

Low-carbon sources generated nearly all of France’s electricity in 2023, with two-thirds from nuclear

Wind power overtook coal to become Germany’s largest source of electricity in 2023

India overtook Japan to become the third-largest solar power generator in 2023

Indonesia remains reliant on fossil fuels, while its neighbours have begun their transition to clean, cheap electricity

Iran’s vast untapped solar potential can help overcome its fossil gas dependency and slow its rising power sector emissions

Iraq’s power sector emissions have nearly quadrupled over the last two decades as gas grew to meet rising demand

Italy is falling behind its European peers in harnessing cheap, clean solar and wind energy

Japan has twice the global average of solar power, but lags far behind on wind

Kazakhstan’s untapped renewables potential can help it transition away from fossil fuels whilst meeting demand

Malaysia boasts a largely untapped solar potential that can help it overcome fossil fuel reliance to meet growing power demand

Mexico is yet to harness its high potential for cheap, clean solar and wind energy

Pakistan’s vast solar and wind potential can help tackle its ongoing energy crisis

Poland has increased its share of wind and solar but still lags behind EU peers

Russia’s electricity transition is yet to begin, with almost no progress in two decades

Saudi Arabia needs to rapidly increase its renewables share from near-zero today to meet its ambitious 2030 targets

South Africa’s vast renewables potential can safeguard it from its looming electricity demand growth and over-reliance on coal

South Korea’s solar and nuclear generation have helped drive a decline in power sector emissions in recent years

Spain reached a historic milestone in 2023 as wind and solar overtook fossil power

Thailand can harness its solar and wind power potential and overcome its historic reliance on fossil gas

The Philippines can harness its wind and solar potential to reduce its reliance on coal

Türkiye can harness its huge renewables potential to reduce its reliance on fossil fuel imports and avoid being left behind

UAE can harness its untapped solar potential to decrease its reliance on fossil gas

Wind power has displaced coal and the UK is now targeting a fully decarbonised electricity system

Fossil gas expansion keeps US emissions high, even as coal declines

Wind and solar could help Uzbekistan overcome hydro deficits and meet increasing demand

As Southeast Asia’s renewable powerhouse, Viet Nam can quickly decarbonise its power sector by integrating untapped solar and wind potential

Anchor point: World

Aerial view of the Solar panel, photovoltaic, alternative electricity source with a wind turbines, Phan Rang, Ninh Thuan, Vietnam

World trends

Record renewables propel the world towards a new era of falling fossil generation

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Anchor point: Regions

Anchor point: International fora
