Spain | Ember


Spain reached a historic milestone in 2023 as wind and solar overtook fossil power

Last Updated: 9 Oct 2024

Anchor point: Overview


Share of clean electricity
Share of solar and wind
Share of electricity from fossil fuels

Spain generated 71% of its electricity from clean sources, above the global average of 39%.

Last year, Spain relied on fossil fuels for 29% of its electricity. Its per capita emissions were almost half the global average and three times lower than their peak in 2005.

Coal generation has collapsed over the last two decades, declining from 36% of Spain’s electricity in 2000 to less than 2% in 2023. The largest fall in 2023 was in Spain’s gas generation, down 27% year-on-year.

Spain’s largest source of clean electricity was wind (24%), while solar accounted for 17% of total electricity generation. Its 40% share of wind and solar was above the global average (13%) and the same as its neighbour Portugal.

By 2030, Spain aims for 78% renewable electricity, while the IEA’s Net Zero Emissions scenario sets out a global target of 60% renewable electricity by 2030.

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