Mexico | Ember


Mexico is yet to harness its high potential for cheap, clean solar and wind energy

Last Updated: 9 Oct 2024

Anchor point: Overview


Share of clean electricity
Share of solar and wind
Share of electricity from fossil fuels

Mexico generated 23% of its electricity from clean sources, below the global average of 39%.

In 2023, Mexico relied on fossil fuels for 77% of its electricity generation, with gas remaining the single largest source at 58%. Its per capita emissions are below the global average. 

Mexico’s largest source of clean electricity is solar (6%). Despite high potential for wind and solar, their combined share in the electricity mix (12%) is below the global average (13%) and its neighbour the United States (16%).

Despite being the second country in the world to introduce a legally binding emissions reduction target in 2012, Mexico has not meaningfully increased ambition on emissions reduction in recent years. Mexico aims for 33% renewable electricity by 2030, while the IEA’s Net Zero Emissions scenario sets out a global target of 60% renewable electricity by 2030.

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