Thailand can harness its solar and wind power potential and overcome its historic reliance on fossil gas
Anchor point: Overview
Thailand generated 16% of its electricity from clean sources, below the global average of 39%.
In 2023, Thailand relied on fossil fuels for 84% of its electricity, primarily gas (68%). Its per capita power sector emissions are below the global average.
About one-sixth of Thailand’s electricity generation comes from renewables, mostly bioenergy and hydropower. Solar and wind accounted for only 4.7% of Thailand’s electricity, which is less than the global average (13%) and behind Viet Nam (13%).
Thailand has a high per capita power demand that is almost double the regional average. To meet that demand, fossil gas has powered around two-thirds of Thailand’s electricity since 2000, overlooking the country’s largely untapped solar and wind potential.
Thailand has a target to reach 37% renewable electricity by 2037, while the IEA’s Net Zero Emissions scenario sets out a global target of 60% renewable electricity by 2030.
Anchor point: Data
Anchor point: Insights
Anchor point: Experts