European Wholesale Electricity Price Data
Wholesale day-ahead electricity price data for European countries, sourced from ENTSO-e and cleaned.
Updated monthly
Anchor point: Summary
This dataset contains average hourly, daily and monthly wholesale day-ahead electricity prices for European countries.
Hourly data is provided as a .zip file to reduce download size. This folder includes a compiled file for all countries, as well as individual files per country. The compiled dataset is larger than the Excel row limit, so will need to be extracted with some other software (e.g. Python, R, Power Query etc).
Note that these are the prices generators receive for selling electricity on the spot market. They are not the same as the prices paid by electricity consumers, which can also include taxes, levies, network charges, subsidies, and supplier profits. They also do not account for hedging. For an explanation of how spot prices are formed, see here.
Anchor point: Methodology
Hourly data is sourced from ENTSO-e, EMR (UK), SEMOpx (Ireland). Missing values are interpolated from nearby values. This data is then aggregated to produce average daily and monthly values per country, weighted by load.
In countries with multiple exchanges (for example, a 15-minute exchange and a separate 60-minute exchange), the average is taken.
Anchor point: Explore this data
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